
  • Why does your website need SEO
  • Core SEO: Basic Steps
  • Content optimization

In order to bring the site to the first position in search results, knowledge of theory, experience and hard work are required. If you have not come across SEO optimization before and do not know what is included in this service, in this article we will help you understand the basic terms and concepts.

Why does your website need SEO

SEO is a complex of works, the purpose of which is to increase the position of a site in search results. Internet users rarely go beyond the second page of search, so for successful business it is important to try to keep the resource in the top ten or twenty for targeted requests. This is what SEO experts do. Their work includes:

  • site audit and elimination of technical errors;
  • compilation of the semantic core, that is, the selection of keywords in accordance with target requests;
  • analysis of competitor resources and a specific niche;
  • link building;
  • filling the site with high-quality unique content, etc.

Website promotion in search engines begins with basic SEO, which is also called technical optimization. It is usually done once before launching a new site, or immediately after an audit of an existing resource.

This is followed by work with content, building link mass and a number of other activities that are pointless to carry out until the end of technical optimization. Also, up to this point, you cannot open a resource for indexing by search engines. Otherwise, he will be in the last positions in the issue, and to improve the ranking will need to spend a lot of time and effort.

Integrated promotion requires constant monitoring, analysis and improvement of the site. Only under this condition will his positions be stably high.

Core SEO: Basic Steps

To succeed, it is necessary for the programmer to work in collaboration with an SEO specialist. First you need to optimize the technical structure of the site:

Draw a map - an understandable map will allow search engines to quickly navigate the pages and sections of the site, so you should create a sitemap.xml file.


Set up robots.txt - here you should indicate which pages are subject to indexing and which are not. If this file is not configured correctly, then outsiders will be able to access information not intended for them, since it will appear in the search results.

Prescribe meta tags - this word means part of the program code that makes it clear to search engines what the page says.


Meta tags include:

Title - reflects the content of the page and greatly affects the ranking. It should be written very clearly, but all key queries cannot be inserted into it. In Google, its length should not exceed 70 characters, and in Google - 480 pixels.


H1 - the title of a particular page. It is also written based on the content of the page and makes it clear what is affected in the text. All headers on the resource must be different. In order for the text to have a clear structure, subtitles H2 - H6 should be used.

Description - description of the content of the page. It will be visible to users of search results, so it should encourage them to open the page, promising to respond to the target request.


In addition to these actions, basic SEO includes:

removal of duplicate pages - work with redirects 301 and 302 - they should redirect users and search engines to an address different from the specified one. In particular, this is necessary when pages are temporarily or permanently moved;

404-page setup and its proper design - this should be done in order to detain a person on the site if he went to the wrong url;

CNC settings, that is, human-readable urls, are done in order to explain to the user where he is going by following the link. This option also has a positive effect on search engine promotion.

We examined only the simplest technical settings of several dozen, which are used in SEO-optimization. It is advisable to implement them immediately at the stage of site development. For the same resources that are already functioning, it is important to conduct a technical audit and eliminate errors based on it.

Content Optimization

If the content is clearly structured and correctly marked on it, then search engines perceive it more favorably. It is noted that users are more likely to switch to sites containing optimized and unique content. A number of measures help to achieve this:

  • compilation of meta tags, which must necessarily contain keywords selected specifically for each page;
  • writing interesting, unique and useful to people texes, which should also include keywords. However, it should be borne in mind that key phrases cannot be abused. Their excess, that is, spam, is negatively perceived by site visitors and search algorithms;
  • text structuring - on a single topic it is desirable to highlight a separate page. The texts themselves need to be divided into paragraphs, correctly place subheadings in them and use lists, if they are appropriate;
  • removal of broken and duplicate links;
  • creation of internal linking using anchors.

Basic SEO is the basis of successful website promotion. It helps search engines understand where the resource is and how it is arranged. To do this, briefly talk about each page and correctly send a potential visitor to a specific request. All the described actions allow you to attract targeted traffic and get around in the ranking of competitors. If you conduct basic SEO-optimization at the very beginning, it will significantly save time, effort and finance for the subsequent promotion.

However, trusting such a responsible work should only be experienced professionals. SEO Freelancer in Bangalore uses exclusively effective methods for website promotion, which have been tested over years of practice. You can learn about our work by reading reviews from grateful customers. In order to get the first free consultation or information of interest, call our contact phone

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